Могилевская областная библиотека – бюджетная организация, направляющая все имеющиеся средства на осуществление уставной деятельности по оказанию библиотечно-информационных услуг населению. Перечень проектов, конкурсов для оказания спонсорской и благотворительной помощи: |
Mogilev Regional Library is a State-financed organization that directs all available funds for the implementation of statutory activities to provide the library and information services to the population. The library strives to organize its activities in such a way as to be useful to everyone. Any citizen or organization can take part in the current work and development of the library. We will be grateful for your help. You can transfer funds by a simple Bank transfer from your account or in cash, indicating the name of the project, competition, for the implementation of which the funds are transferred. List of projects and competitions for sponsorship and charity: |
Организация ежегодной научно-практической конференции "Пысинские чтения"
Organization of the annual scientific and practical conference "Pysin readings"Посвященной жизни и творчеству Алексея Пысина, белорусского поэта, журналиста, Заслуженного работника культуры БССР, лауреата государственной премии им. Я. Купалы за книгу "Твае далоні" Dedicated to the life and work of Alexei Pysin, Belarusian poet, journalist, Honored Worker of Culture of the BSSR, laureate of the State prize named after Ya. Kupala for the book "Tvae Daloni"
Фестиваль детской и юношеской книги
Festival of Children and Youth Book -
Областной конкурс видеороликов о региональной истории в годы Великой Отечественной войны "В летопись Победы"
Regional video contest about regional history during the Great Patriotic War "In the Annals of Victory" -
Профессиональный конкурс на лучший выставочный проект одной книги "Вся правда о войне"
Professional competition for the best exhibition project of one book "The whole truth about the war"
А также библиотека будет благодарна за оказание помощи в приобретении компьютера, канцелярских принадлежностей, книг, периодических изданий. |
The library will also be grateful for assistance in purchasing a computer, stationery, books and periodical editions. |
«Реквизиты для перечисления средств»
Учреждение культуры «Могилевская областная библиотека им. В.И.Ленина» По всем возникающим вопросам просим связаться с главным бухгалтером |
«Details for the transfer of funds»
Cultural institution «Mogilev V. I. Lenin Regional Library» If you have any questions, please contact |
Традиции меценатства на Могилевщине давние. Благодаря литературным источникам нам известны имена людей, занимавшихся благотворительностью на пользу могилевчан. Всем известный генерал Семен Гаврилович Зорич (1743 или 1745-1799) для детей бедных дворян из Могилевской и Смоленской губерний в г. Шклове открыл «Благородное училище» (1778 г.). |
Traditions of patronage in Mogilev region are long-standing. Thanks to literary sources, we know the names of people who were engaged in charity for the benefit of Mogilev residents.
A well-known General Semyon Gavrilovich Zorich (1743 or 1745 – 1799) opened a «Nobel School» for the children of poor nobles from Mogilev and Smolensk provinces (1778). Professor Hierotheus Vasilyevich Kostenich (1854 – 1905) a native of Mogilev province, famous ophthalmologist, Doctor of Medicine, treated sick countrymen for free, performed surgical operations. Every year, from 1884 to 1890, he provided medical care to the peasants in the outpatient room for three months, which was equipped by Countess A. Tolstoy in the village of Ryzhkovka Bykhovsky district and at home in the estate of Church Osovets. In 1906 citizens, members of the Parents' Committee, founded the Society of Assistance to Needy Students at the Mogilev gymnasium. The funds, including voluntary donations, were used to pay for training, payment of one-time cash benefits, free clothing and textbooks for needy high school students. The poorest students were given money allowances from various sources; only in 1909, there were 31 fellows. By the 100th anniversary of the Mogilev gymnasium, 63 Mogilev residents contributed to the establishment of a scholarship named after former pupils of the gymnasium. The amounts were different: from 1 to 25 rubles. V. S. Bochkov donated the most: 500 rubles. |